Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Top 5 News Sources

News is everywhere. We hear the news, we watch the news, we read the news, we spread the news, and it simply is taking over our lives. Personally, I tend to get a lot of my news through various online, television, and broadcasting sources. Listed below are my top five news sources that everyone should be informed on.

Image retrieved from Pinterest.

1. New York Times
The New York Times is an American newspaper that produces world, national, and local news. I like reading the New York Times because I am able to navigate the website very efficiently through their separate headings and pages, the articles provide a lot of information with photos and videos, and the writers make sure that it is up to date every single day. For example, if I wanted to know more detailed information on the Australian wildfires, I know that the New York Times would have the most recent information that is the best explained.

2. Twitter
As a stereotypical Gen Z, I tend to get a lot of my news from social media. Twitter is one of my favorite apps because of the humorous tweets, how easy it is to interact with friends, and how it produces up to date news within seconds. Although not everything on Twitter is the most factual information, I believe that I stay the most up to date from this app the most. Reading what I need to know in 280 characters or less on current events might sound lazy, but I believe that Twitter is one of the main reasons that Gen Z's and young millennials know what is going on in the world.

3. Fox News
Fox News is a conservative cable television news channel that keeps its viewers up to date on world news, especially with politics. Whenever I need to know what is going on in the political world I tend to go to Fox News because of its reputation and reliability. I know that I can trust Fox News with accurate information on the presidency, impeachment trial, voting, etc.

4. ABC News
One of the nation's most recognized broadcast networks is ABC News, the American Broadcasting Company. Some of my favorite shows to watch on ABC Network are Good Morning America and ABC World News Tonight with David Muir. I like Good Morning America because the hosts make the current events interesting and it is a great way to start off my day being informed on what is going on. I like ABC World News Tonight with David Muir because it airs in the evening on the weekends and David Muir does a great job at explaining the more serious aspects of today's current events.

5. Radio
One of the easiest ways to stay up to date on the news while on the go is listening to the radio. Although I do not use the radio every time I get in the car, I do enjoy listening to more local news when I do listen to it. Sometimes I tend to pay more attention to more national and world news and forget to pay attention to what is going on right outside my front door. Listening to the radio is very beneficial because I can learn more about what is going on around me in my current location.