Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Political Cartoons

In my opinion, I believe there are significant parallels between the press today and the press in the Partisan Press Era. After reading the Partisan Press article, I was inspired to create a political cartoon based on the bias in the news and how it effects Americans' integrity.

Image retrieved from my iPhone.

In my political cartoon, I drew Abraham Lincoln in the center because of his nickname, "Honest Abe." I thought incorporating him in this cartoon would help bring out the humor because of what he stands for and how passionate he was about honesty in politics. On each side of Lincoln, I drew two televisions, one with Fox News and the other with CNN, two of the country's leading news sources. Although these news channels are popular amongst Americans, they are also known for being incredibly biased. On the Fox News television, I drew a speech bubble from the anchor that says, "Trump is the best president!" because Fox is known for being more conservative. On the CNN television, I drew a speech bubble from the anchor that says, "Trump is the worst president ever!" because CNN is known for being more liberal and against Trump's decisions.

I decided to give such a biased statement on each news station to represent the partisan divide in our country. If Abraham Lincoln were to be alive today, I think he would be very disappointed at how eager Americans are to go against their opposing party because of how passionate they are about being "right." Although they might feel "right," that does not always mean their news sources are truthful and that they have looked at all of the facts. Having a huge partisan divide is an issue in the United States because it allows Americans to become more biased so that they only follow news that agrees with their opinion instead of following an unbiased news source that would allow them to make their own decisions.

Related Articles:
Partisan Press Article

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