Monday, March 2, 2020

Wuhan Woman and the First Amendment

After watching the video of the woman from Wuhan, China, her cry for help about the coronavirus relates to the First Amendment in the United States.

Image retrieved from YouTube.
In the video, the woman expresses her concern for the Chinese government and how regular citizens are suffering from the government's failure to provide basic medicine and care from the coronavirus epidemic. She states that the Chinese Communist Party is a corrupt regime and an evil society, in turn, making it a place where no one can speak freely. If someone tells the truth, the government will detain and adjudicate that citizen.

After watching this video, it left me scared and concerned for the Chinese people. I would hate to live in a country where no one can speak the truth and could be seriously punished for doing so. In the United States, Americans are privileged to have the First Amendment. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, and assembly. Without this guaranteed right, the United States would most likely be a Communist regime similar to China.

Another thing that I noticed after listening to the woman was her determination for getting the truth out. This is similar to the actions of Julian Assange, an Australian journalist that is currently jailed for exposing the United States military. As a journalist, Assange's job is to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. However, when he exposed the truth he was severely punished. This relates to the actions of the Wuhan woman because she could be severely punished for exposing what is really going on with the Chinese government.

In conclusion, I hope that the woman from Wuhan seeks justice and that the Chinese people can experience as something as secure as the First Amendment.

Related Video:
Woman from Wuhan

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